Eyecare Business May 2019 cover
Run for cover! Eyecare Business magazine (USA) has unveiled its cover for May 2019, featuring the l.a.Eyeworks OXBOW frame in Dijon and Warm Grey.
The editorial photos for this issue gathered styling direction from two edCFDA designers, Gai Gherardi and Blake Kuwahara.
Also Featured is the MOLLUSK frame in motion with the caption, “The scallop-edged l.a.Eyeworks Mollusk in Golden Oyster is a translucent white frame embellished with an all-over gold tattoo pattern that amplifies the chic, spacious design. On set creative direction and shot selected by Gai Gherardi, co-designer/co-founder, l.a.Eyeworks.”
To see a digital edition of the magazine, click HERE.